Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saying goodbye

As my mom drove by me with Drake in the back, I waved feverish and cried. Drake mouthed bye-bye in his usual cheery matter. People walked by and gave me strange looks.

A good friend is getting married in Costa Rica. At first, there were no question we would bring Drake, after all he has been a good little traveller and we had promised to show him the world at every opportunity. As we planned for the trip however, we realised reaching Santa Teresa located on the west coast of Costa Rica would be a 24 hours ordeal. One plane transfer, one ferry ride and one 6 hour shuttle ride will be involved. Greg will also be on his own traveling with Drake while I head up two days earlier to participate in various pre-wedding activities. On top, the flights are very sold out. There is no chance Greg can score a spare seat for Drake's 85cm body frame, he would be uncomfortably curled up in daddy's arms or kicking a very unlucky neighbour. But most of all, Drake has become increasingly wiggly as he approaches THE "terrible two". He no longer can sit still in our laps, not even for a brief moment. This would a very exhausting 24 hour for both.

We reluctantly decided to leave Drake at home with my Mom. Mom takes care of him while I'm at work. She is basically Drake's third parent.

Week leading up to my departure, people consoled me. Drake will be fine, they said. He's going to be fine with your mom. But we all know, I'm going to be the one who is not going to be fine.

I'm not fine. As I walked through the airport, I couldn't look at children of Drake's age. Even the little blonde boy who was chewing on his hands at the Tim Hortons line up. All of them remind me of Drake.

I will miss him like crazy. I think I'm crazy.

I haven't counted exactly how many days I will be away. I don't think that matters. It just is too long.

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