Monday, April 22, 2013

Sydney - Final Leg

We were back in Sydney.  All the hiking in the outback got us thinking beach and beer for our second last day in Australia.  We met up with a friend who offered to show us around.  We went back to Circular Quay to catch the ferry to Manly Beach.  The ferry ticket was $9 AUD per person and took about 30 minutes to get to Manly.  The ferry was well worth the time and money to do since it passed the Opera House and Harbour Bridge on the way out.  We got some great pictures.

When we arrived we saw a little beach next to the deck with a bunch of kids playing around.  I thought to myself "What is the big deal with Manly Beach? It is so tiny!".

I was mistaken obviously.  We walked about 10 minutes and the real Manly beach revealed itself.  We got some fish and chips by the beach and fully took in the beautiful sights.  To burn off all the fried goodness, we took strolled down the beach.  

We got caught in a shower that lasted about half hour, then a rainbow came out over the horizon.  I can really get use to this!

We walked all the way to Shelley Beach.  It had quite of a few snorkelers and divers in the water.  I guess this is the spot for that.  We even found these two little divers on shore.  They were no more than 3 inches tall.  There were a bunch of these sculptures along the beach walk, but if you weren't paying attention you would've missed these little gems.

Our friend Victor gave us a tour of the not so touristy parts of Sydney including a quick stop over at the Palm Beach.  This red sand beach was different from Manly.  It was quiet with no tourists (other than us).

It was a great and relaxing way to end our 3.5 week Australian adventure.  Drake was such an easy traveling baby that we can't wait to do another trip with him very soon.

Here is a picture of Drake pretending to be a koala bear.

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