Friday, April 12, 2013

Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef) - Day 2

Greg got up really early for a morning dive. The dives were 70 AUD each. Only the tank and weights were included in the price. BCD and other equipment can be rented from 7 to 22 AUD.

Drake and I slept in and went for a late breakfast. I had originally planned to snorkel only, but this is the GBR! After breakfast I signed up for a dive tomorrow.

Greg returned from his dive around 10:30. He had to do a refresher first which was right off the jetty and there were sting rays and sharks. Sharks!? What?! Hmmm... I'm not so sure about this. The dive trip was only 1.5 hours since they only had to go ten minutes out. He said the dive was amazing with more turtles and sharks. I was starting to get excited for my dive tomorrow.

The beautiful morning had turned into rain, so we lazed around the resort until lunch.

Greg went for his second dive in the rain at 3PM. The resort offered 3 dive trips per day: 9AM, 11AM and 3PM.

Upon his return I decided to go snorkeling off the jetty. Apparently the fishes liked to gather under the jetty to get away from the heat. Late afternoon was high tide and was a good time to snorkel. I saw a big turtle and lots of colourful small and big fishes. I came really close to a white tip reef shark, so I was told by Greg who was walking on the jetty with Drake. I was grateful I missed it. I had left my sandals on the beach but the tide had came in so fast in less than half hour while I was in the water.  I nearly lost the sandals if someone hadn't moved them to higher grounds.

It rained for the rest of the day and night. Hopefully tomorrow there will be sunshine.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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