Ruby Roads is a travel concierge company specializing in providing customized and unique leisure and business all-inclusive tours to China. We travel with you and cater to your every on-trip need.  Our travel concierges are highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in serving business and leisure travelers.
Ruby Roads revels in providing you with exceptional professional and worry-free travel and event services.  We customize travel itineraries based on your specific objectives, needs and interests.  All of your travel and language assistance needs will be well taken care of from the moment you book a free consultation.

Why do you want to travel with Ruby Roads?
  • We understand your needs.  Our professional concierges come with extensive service industry experience and are experienced travellers.  We are here to ensure you experience the highest level of comfort during your stay.
  • We speak English.  Our concierges are native-level English and  Chinese speakers who will ensure you experience of all of China and its many subtleties.   
  • We make China travel easy for you.  Being in a foreign country can be stressful and disorienting.  Whether it is giving you the wiki on social etiquette or introducing you to a unique dining experience, we are here to make the experience as easy as it can be for you.
  • We are women-friendly.  As women with a passion for travel, we understand that sometimes women face greater risks (real or perceived) when travelling, especially alone.
  • For many other reasons, check out our testimonials.
As your personal travel concierge, our service includes:  
  • Customized itinerary design
  • Visa application
  • Flight, hotel and transportation arrangements
  • Tour guide
  • Personal assistance (ie: gift shopping)
  • Business assistance (ie: research)
  • Language assistance
  • And much more, this is full and worry-free service!
How Does it Work? Click HERE.

Contact Us for a FREE consultation!

Phone: 778 840 3293