Monday, April 8, 2013

Quick Stopover in Adelaide and Brisbane

We had a good restful night in Warrambool.  Today's plan was to drive to Adelaide which was about a little less than 7 hours away.  I think if we were to plan it again, we would rather turn back onto Great Ocean Road and go back to Melbourne.  The 7 hour drive didn't have much in turns of exciting scenery.  It looked like any road we have been on, however we did make a unplanned but worthy stop at the Princess Margaret Rose Cave about 20km off the highway A1.  On route we spotted a bunch of Emus running in the field.  One more Australia animal checked off.

The cave entrance fee was $16 AUD per person.  It was a guided tour that happened every hour.  We got a ten minute background information before we descended down to the caves.  Photography was allowed, but video was not allowed.  I asked why during the tour, the guide said because once someone was video taping he wasn't watching where he was going and tripped and broke one of the rock formations.  Stroller was also not allowed in the cave so I strapped Drake in the Ergobaby.

It was a little chilly in the cave.  We all stood around in an area that was about 800 square feet listening to the guide.  I have never been to a limestone cave.  The cool formation was cool, but I started to wonder if that was all we were going to see.  The guide then walked over to a light switch and turned it on, we saw the rest of the cave which was completely dark without any lights.

The tour lasted about 45 minutes.  We could've loved to check out other stuff that was above ground of the cave but we had another five hours to go before reaching Adelaide and we needed to beat the check-in hour.  When we approached the Rose Cave earlier, we also saw a sign for a place called Platypus Cafe.  We asked the guide at the Cave if the cafe actually had Platypus.  She told us the cafe had been shutdown due management issues.  It was really too bad, Greg was really hoping to see a Platypus on this trip.

We reached Adelaide just after sunset and went to bed shortly.  The next day we only had the morning to check out the city before boarding a flight to Brisbane. We headed to Henley Beach since it was really close to the airport.  The water was really clear and we even saw a diver diving around the pier.  The Henley Beach Square offered affordable restaurants and ice cream shops.  We grabbed a quick lunch and headed to the airport.

We were actually only passing through Brisbane as well to get to Gladstone.  Then a ferry ride from Gladstone to Heron Island aka Great Barrier Reef.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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