Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello Daddy and Melbourne

Drake and I waited anxiously at PuDong Airport.  Greg's flight was delayed for a hour.  After 2.5 weeks away, Drake was a little unsure initially.  But he took no time to warm up to Daddy.

Our flight to Melbourne was pretty smooth.  We were again seated in front of the bulkhead with a bassinet.  Drake was much better on this flight.  He slept through it for the most part.  I even managed to get some sleep.

We arrived in Melbourne in the morning.  From the airport to St. Kilda took about 20 minutes and cost $100 AUD.  Since we were traveling with two other friends, we hired a Maxi cab which was a caravan taxi.  We were a bit surprised by the high cab fare. But we later found out, more than 2 person in a Maxi cab cost 1.5 times than the regular fare.

Melbourne was colder than expected. It was colder indoors than outside, especially during the day which was kind of like Shanghai. Although all of us were jet lagged we decided to still check out our St. Kilda neighbourhood.  It really reminded of me of a cleaner Venice Beach.  A lot of little shops, bakeries, and restaurants next to the beach.  It was a very chill place to hang out for a drink but St. Kilda was a pretty expensive area.  A bottle of beer at a restaurant went for  $8 to $10 AUD.  Apparently labour is very expensive which explained the even more pricy cocktails.  They went from $15 to $20 USD.

  giant Easter bunny roaming around the streets
Drake hanging out on St Kilda Beach. It was windy and overcasted that day which attached a lot of surfers in the water.
We had originally planned to go to Philip Island to check out the little penguins that marched to shore at dusk.  Then we found out there were penguins right off the pier of St. Kilda beach.  

 St. Kilda neighbourhood art work
Beautiful estate in St. Kilda, very Southern, no?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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