Thursday, April 4, 2013

Great Ocean Road - Day 1

Our stay in Melbourne was pretty short.  Aside from St. Kilda, we attended a wedding and had a quick morning tour of the commercial centre aka downtown. My overall impression of the city was it looked like any typical city in North America, not much of a culture shock.  I was really excited about our road trip on the Great Ocean Road (GOR).  We picked up our rental car in the morning and headed out shortly after lunch. The target was to spend the night in Apollo Bay, 3 hours outside of Melbourne.

Our first stop was the Anglesea Golf Course. But we were not in for a game of 9 holes. This course is famous for its kangaroos. They just hang out all over the course while people played. As we pulled up, there was a big sign that said the course has no access to kangaroo viewing. But just to the right of their parking lot, there were a bunch of kangaroos just hanging out and enjoying the sun. We were able to get out of the car and get as close to 5 to 10 meters from them. It was a really amazing site to see.

We then stopped in Lorne for some tea and snack. We came across a few cockatoos in the park by the water. We probably shouldn't have fed them our apple cords since the locals considered them pests, but Drake was absolutely delighted by them.

Before we knew, sun was setting and the road became quite windy. We drove straight to Apollo Bay for the night. Drake did well in the car today. He was happy in the car seat playing with his toys and only fussed a little while trying to fall asleep.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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