Sunday, February 9, 2014

San Jose

This morning we had to catch an early flight to San Jose. The 15 minute cab ride from Tulemar to Quepos International Airport was $20 USD.  Quepos International Airport looked more like a cafe with a gate which we had to pay $2 USD per person to get in. There was only one runway.  We sat in an 15 seater plane that flew over a mountain range and then 25 minutes later we were in San Jose.
San Jose was much cooler than the coast.  If I wasn't standing in the sun I needed a hoodie.  It was kind of nice actually.  I don't know if I love the feeling of stickiness all the time.  We took the hotel shuttle and checked into our hotel first which was very close to the pedestrian only portion of Avenida Central.  San Jose was much like any other Hustling bustling large city.  We wanted to buy some souvenirs for Drake so we wondered down Avenida Central to find Mercado Central. Mercado was a large indoor market that sold souvenirs, house wear like pots and pan, T-shirts, dry goods, sausages, and seafood. We made several rounds of the market and did not find anything we liked.  They all seemed very cheesy and generic.We might have better luck at the airport tomorrow.

In the middle of the market there were little stalls of food vendors.  The waitresses were not shy about trying to get you into their very cramped stalls for a quick meal.  Our waitress waived us down from 20 feet away.  We sat down at a large table with 10 other people which made it easy for me to check out what other people were eating. Everything looked really yummy.

There was no spare room at all.  I held my back pack in my lap during the entire meal.  The menu was mostly in English.  I ordered a pork chop rice dish and coco smoothie which I had thought was a coconut smoothie but turned out to be a chocolate smoothie. Not complaining.  The food came out fast behind a kitchen that was the size of my cubical at work.  The waitress first brought me a small sauce dish of white stuff.  It tasted like rice pudding with cinnamon. Very sweet, so I didn't finish it. Second "course" was a bowl of beef soup, I think. It was a bit salty, nevertheless it was very tasty. I finished it with enthusiasm and thought about asking for second bowl but my Spanish is poor and I didn't know how to ask. It turned out to be a good thing since my main course was a large plate of pork chop on a bed of fried rice, fries and salad. It was so delicious that Greg who had already eaten at McDonalds an hour ago was picking at my plate.  The bill was was 4800 colones ($9.6USD)

After my big lunch, we continued to stroll down Avendia Central and stopped at Plaza de la Cultura Park.  Since it was a Saturday there were a lot of families with kids gathered here.  There were also face painters, toy vendors, and people dressed up as Micky, Minnie, Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore to entertained the kids. Of course, watching the kids play reminded of us of Drake.

We went back to hotel to FaceTime with Drake and took a nap.  I love vacation naps.  Unfortunately, time on vacation also goes by faster too.  Before we knew it, it was already dinner time.  We reseached for a good place and settled on Tin Jo, an Asian fusion restaurant about 3 blocks south. The menu offered Chinese, South Asian and Indian cuisine.  We had noodle soup and Thai Chicken curry in an Indian inspired room. Being from Vancouver it wasn't the best Chinese and Thai food we ever had, but it was a nice refreshing change from the 12 day long casado meals. 

On route back to the hotel we stopped by the Panaderia y Reposteria Jary at the corner of Ave. 1 and Calle 11 to pick up some dessert.  It was hard to decide on which one.  I picked a cannoli looking pastry with nuts on the ends and Greg went with a donut (he is very original).  I don't remember how much they cost, but it wasn't much.

We had a early night in since our flight tomorrow was another early one with a 7 hour layover in LA.  I survived my 12 day vacation without Drake.  I missed him so much despite FaceTiming with him everyday.  I can't wait to see him and hope he remembers his mommy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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