Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Road to Manual Antonio

We got picked up at our hotel early in the morning by the shuttle van we had previously arranged with Zuma Tours for $72 USD per person.  Destination - Manual Antonio National Park. There were other shuttle companies that were cheaper, but they took 6 hours instead of 4 hours and had to utilize the public ferry like the one I took earlier in the week to get to Santa Teresa.

The shuttle van dropped us off at Montezuma beach where we got ferried away to Tortuga Island just a few days ago.  Zuma Tours had their own boat to take us across to Jaco and then to Manual Antonio.  I was happy to be on the water since it was much cooler with the ocean breeze in my face. 

When we reached Jaco, I had a watermelon break before we hopped into another shuttle van that took us through the town of Quepos and then to Manual Antonio up the hill from Quepos.  Before we knew it, we had arrived at Tulemar Bungalows.  Tulemar was located on a very large property on the side of what I can only describe it as a cliff!  They have a courtsey van that will drive you to up and down to the pool or your bungalow or their private beach.  They are the only hotel in the Manual Antonio area with a private beach.  Actually all beaches in Costa Rica are public, however this beach was enclosed and can only be access if you were a hotel guest or you took a boat or kayaka in.  I felt very exclusive.

Tulemar was part hotel and part vacation home.  Our bungalow wasn't ready when we arrived around noon. so we were introduced to our concierge Edouardo and given a tour of the property.  Then we made a beeline to the beach and had lunch at the beach bar and restaurant.  I don't know what it was about the beach but it was so difficult to leave once we were here!  Aside from beach towels, Tulemar also offered boogie boards and kayaks for guests to use.  One of our friends even made use of the beach buckets and sand castle making toys.
Although it was ready for hours, we didn't check into our "Spider Monkey" one bedroom bungalow until almost dinner time.  The bungalow offered a panoramic view of the ocean beyond the lush tropical forest.  It also came with a complete kitchen, dining table, and large wicker sofa (perfect spot for watching sunrise or sunset).

                            (little visitors hanging out outside)                      (Infinity Pool)

Our bungalow was also conveniently located next to the infinity pool and restaurant.  After a quick shower, we made it in time for happy hour which turned into dinner.  We decided to also resume our seating arrangement at dinner as we did at Shambala the previous night for whatever OCD reason.  All it was missing was Mel Gibson at the next table.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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