Monday, February 3, 2014

Beach Wedding

Today is wedding day eve. Although we didn't have a crazy late night out, I slept in.  One of the benefit of traveling without Drake.  I rolled into breakfast just before ten.  Watermelon, Gallo Pinto (rice and beans), and eggs with hot sauce - breakfast of champions.  The bride and I hung out on the beach for a little while before heading into town for her manicure, hair, and makeup trial.

The salon was located in the new strip mall according to directions.  We nearly miss it.  It was a very tiny strip with about 5 store front.  Two were occupied.  The salon shared the space with a very cute clothing boutique.  Its owner was French who has fabulous taste. As I waited for the Bride to do her thing with the hairdresser, the other bridesmaid and I browsed the racks.  I was very lucky everything sold there only came in XS and S.  The other bridesmaid was not so lucky.  She did some damage to her wallet.

During our first hour in the salon the electricity went out.  By hour two we were getting a little delirious from the heat.  Thank God, by hour three the AC came back on.  By the time we returned to Villas Hermosa, Greg had arrived from Vancouver.  The groom and his boys were on their bachelor party in Jaco came back too.  It seemed like they had a great time.  Hmm... I felt even more guilty.

We did a quick rehearsal on the beach around 4PM.  Then we were off to rehearsal dinner at Brisas del Mar.  This restaurant was located high above everything in area with an unobstructed view of the ocean.  The road leading up to it was steep when the taxi backed up I thought we were rolling backwards and let out a high pitch squeal.  Not my finest moment.  We sat down on the patio just before the spectacular sunset.  The menu of cerviche and seared tuna were delicious and the company was even more delicious.  This was going to be an awesome wedding.

We all went to bed early tonight.

The wedding day! The ladies got up early to get ready, but nothing was frantic.  We took our time.  It was all relaxing until it was show time.  The bride and groom took their wedding photos before the ceremony.  As the maid of honour, I followed the bride around holding her dress.  Actually, most of the time I was hiding behind trees to make sure I didn't photobomb their romantic wedding photos.

The bride looked truly ravishing, like a movie star.  The groom looked very handsome in his custom made linen suit.  A pair to be envied for sure.

I have been to many weddings before but this was my first beach wedding.  I walked out to 20 some wedding guests in bare feet decked out in foot jewelry.

Held on the beach under a small bamboo arch and performed by bride and groom's friends, the ceremony was short, sweet, and witty.  The stunning ocean backdrop was exactly how one would imagine a beach wedding would look like. 

Cocktail hour was followed by the ceremony which coincided with sunset.  As night fall hit, the lights and candles illuminated the beach. Yes, the reception was on the beach too. 

I survived the speech portion of the night and ate my way through the midnight table full of coconut mango cake and empanadas.  Maybe this was really cliche to say but I felt I was in a movie. Next to a massive bonfire, we danced the night away.  My only complain was I was really hot.  All the dancing didn't help.  I had occasionally go into the villas to get some AC and the first chance I got I changed into my shorts and tank top.

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