Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Beach Bumming and Mel Gibson

What a night! And another morning we can sleep in and enjoy a late breakfast, but the sad part was we had to say good bye.  Most of the wedding guests were leaving today.  One the bright side, there were 8 of us who were all heading to Manual Antonio tomorrow.

After breakfast, we packed our bags and say goodbye to Villas Hermosa and moved into a hotel in town for just tonight.  This was going to be an uneventful party recovery day.  We hung out at the beach at Tropico Latino hotel for the rest of the day.  We didn't want to move and even inquired if we could have our dinner on the beach.  When the restaurant said no, we reluctantly moved our bodies 20 feet inland to their dining table.

Tropico Latino's inhouse restaurant was called Shambala. There were not too many guests tonight. Drinks and appetizers were order, then I gasped and blurred out loudly "I think that is Mel Gibson.  OMG, that is definitely Mel Gibson". I was certain he heard me saying his name, probably really annoyed.  I have always wondered if I was a paparazzi in my previous life.  I have an eagle eye for celebrities and have spotted many in Vancouver including in a dark movie theatre.  My table mates didn't believe me at first.  But I was sure, bushy white and grey beard or not!  Mr. Gibson was with a little girl who could've been his daughter, a couple of ladies and an older gentleman.  It all looked like a family dinner.  Our group carried on with our dinner and didn't disturb Mr. Gibson.  In fact, the entire restaurant didn't bother them.  The excited wait staff was a little too giggly though.

The one thing that would fail me as a paparazzi was I don't like going up to a celebrity to ask for autograph or picture, especially if he or she was with their family. That is why I have no picture to prove Mel Gibson was there and ate 10 feet away from me.

So much for an uneventful day!

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