Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Girl's Day Out

The wedding booked out all of the 4 villas Villas Hermosa had to offer. We had the whole property (including the POOL) to ourselves. The villas were owned by Tara and Brad from Calgary who also lived on the property. So ok, besides them, their two kids and three dogs, we had the whole property to ourselves.

The first day of my arrival, after dinner and Skyping with Drake I was in bed by 9PM (Vancouver time 7PM). 7:30AM the next day was the bachelorette party I had organized for the bride as one of my Maid of Honour duties. We got shuttled off to Montezuma and then a boat ride to Tortuga Island for a day of snorkelling and beach time. The all day tour cost $55 USD per person plus $15 USD for transportation with the Zuma Tours ( We were total of 6 girls and negotiated a 10% off deal.

We started with two back-to-back snorkeling swims around the smaller islands surrounds Tortuga Island. I saw a lot of fish, but the water was not the clearest I have seen. The most exciting thing I saw was a small spotted sting ray. After the Great Barrier Reef, nothing can really compare to be honest. Between snorkeling, we were fed pineapple and watermelon. Oh yeah, beers were included.

We headed to Tortuga Island for lunch after snorkeling. Lunch was the usual local fair of rice and beans with fish. The fish was overcooked, but still tasty since we were all exerted from all that swimming around looking at fishes. The crew cut up a really old coconut as "dessert". I absolutely love coconut, so I didn't mind.

After lunch the girls frolicked in the bath water like ocean and sunbathed on the white sandy beach. It was surprising how tiring a day in the sun can be though. By the time we headed back to our villas at 4PM we were ready for another nap in the comfortable air conditioned rooms. No nap for me, I was scrambling trying to figure out our night out on the town. I also had not thought about Drake too much expect for when I stared at a little boy running around Tortuga beach. I can almost hear Greg saying to me: stop being creepy.

Flora Blanca was a beautifully hidden restaurant. In fact, I find most restaurants and hotels in this area had very unassuming facade with a "I wonder what's down there" brushed stone path. Then viola! There was a wooden rustic ranch style outdoor eating oasis next to a mosaic pool. The menu was tapa style. We shared about 8 dishes amongst about 9 girls. I was surprisingly full considering I had about 1 or 2 bites of maybe 6 or 7 dishes.

We wrapped up dinner. Now it was time to really time to party! It was a bachelorette party after all. I had been really really nervous about this part of the night. Me and the other bridesmaids emailed and asked around where was a good place to party on this fine Friday night and we got many different answers. The internet said Day and Night Beach Club, but Tara told us it was shut downtown long time ago. Some said Kika a restaurant bar, but it was only popular on Thursdays. We were also told party locations sometimes move around. Brad said we could try the La Lora. We even asked about "male entertainment". Brad laughed and said the guy named Gustavo who owns La Lora was it. Gustavo was apparently a very muscular stalky man. The whole thing was really weird. We were starting to realize, Santa Teresa was more known for it's yoga retreats and laid back attitude. People don't come here looking for wild night life.

But this was a Friday night after all! I refused to believe there was nothing going on. We decided to hit up La Lora first. Who knows maybe we will run into Gustavo. It was a only a short ten minute walk. We could hear the music blasting as we approached. The dark and seedy entrance of the club was looking very lonely and only trolled by a couple of taxi drivers. They hollered at us "taxi, you need a taxi?" This was not a scene of a happening club. We circled and contemplated what to do. Then three American guys walked out. We asked them how it was in there, they laughed and there was no one in there but they were very interested in hanging with a gaggle of 9 women. "But it is all what you make it of it. We can set the tone!" they hopefully suggested. We were not interested in setting any tones. I actually didn't think they were slimy guys, I think they were equally disappointed as us at the none existing night life.

We decided to move on and continue to walk down the main road (the only road). It was midnight. The road was dead, no one was walking on it just the occasional taxi zipping by, kicking up dust in our faces. This was definitely a scene from a comedy movie. There was no point eating any more dust, we got a friend to come and pick us up. At this point we had also lost half of our crew citing tiredness. As our final effort we drove down further down the road and through the other end of town. There was nothing, only a guy sitting in the dark by the beach with his pack of beers. I felt like a failure as the maid of honour.  We had to call it a night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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