Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Delays and Jetleg

I have been looking forward to my New Year trip to China for awhile now. After checking in, security and duty free shopping I got to the airport just in time for boarding. Everyone even all settled in on time. The captain then informed us the plane had an excessive amount of luggage which was taking awhile to load. I was a bit puzzled since Air Canada announced in the fall reducing economy class to one piece of check-in luggage. Half an hour later I felt the plane pull out of the gate and it stopped. The captain announced there was a fuel leak and mechanics were on their way. I feared the worst. Half way through “Cowboy and Aliens” we were told we had to change planes. Everyone simultaneously grunted at the announcement.

Not sure why they had to pick another gate that was all the way on the other side of the airport. Murphy’s law! By the time we all settled in again, we were delayed for more than 3 hours. Good thing I had no connection flight. I only hoped my poor mother who was picking me up was checking her email and voice mail.

The flight lasted 12 hours. I watched about 3 movies and took random naps in between. When I finally arrived I discovered that mom had in fact not checked her email or voicemail. We grabbed some late dinner at a Taiwanese restaurant before I crashed hard into dreamland.

By 4AM I was bright eyed and brushy tailed. Car horns were already going off. Good morning Shanghai! I took my time getting ready for the day which also included getting breakfast take out from down the street. After lunch we headed out to People’s Park, Shanghai’s city centre. Shanghai is known for its shopping. For middle of the road goods, Raffles has many of the familiar brands such as Columbia and Nike. But I was looking more at the shops with local designs and branding. I found some really unique pieces that I don’t see very often in North America. For higher end goods, it is an easy 15 minute walk to Huihai Zhong Road. They have the standard Louis Vitton, Coach, Apple Store and etc. The bargains can be found underground of the park. Little tiny shops all jam packed with cloth, shoes, phone accessories and sparkly jewelry.

Shopping can be a very tiring sport. After a few hours, I was done and headed back to the hotel for another early night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Shanghai, China

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