Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 2 at Sea

After breakfast we hung out on our balcony instead of fighting for a deck chair on the sun deck. It also kept me out of reaching distance of the yogurt/ice cream machine. I think it worked out well!

But of course we couldn't sit still for too long. We decided to join the trivia games by the casino. We did pretty bad. Who knew the most popular cat name in America is "Kitty" (our guess was Chairman Meow). We faired a bit better in movie trivia and got 17 out of 22 correct.
After another gut busting lunch, we headed to the sun deck. We were surprised we didn't have to fight for a chair, so more vegging around.
The best part of a sea day is always dinner. I had sushi to start. The tuna seaweed salad roll was very tasty and different.

I ordered Indian Vegetarian for dinner. The spinach paneer, curry and chutney were surprisingly delicious and very authentic. It even came with fried papad and yogurt.

Our cabin crew left this creature. We think it was a rabbit in a rather compromising position.

Tomorrow is a shore day in Montego Bay, Jamaica. We have no excursion planned, just going to wing it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gulf of Mexico

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