Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 1 at Sea

The major difference between travel and vacation is I can sleep in until whenever I want and still make it in time for breakfast. We headed to dining room and were sat at a long table by the window with three other couples. Half way through, I really noticed the familiar mid-west accent from the couple next to us. Turns out they were from Detroit. Being originally from Windsor, across the Detroit River, that accent was especially endearing to us.

The couple was very sweet, but almost predictably American. They like to drive six hours to vacation at their cottage up north and thought there was no need to travel anywhere else since America has everything in her back yard. I agreed partially that America is a very diverse country with unique and interesting culture from coast to coast. But you just can't get Ethiopia in Idaho or Vietnam in Texas. The husband then went on to say we should explore "our country" more. I nodded and said "in our case, our neighbour's country.". He laughed and said "we are the same."

We finished our breakfast at this point and said see you around to our American friends. It was time to get some much needed sun.

We made our way to the top deck and walked around twice looking for free deck chairs. But I guess there were disadvantages of waking up late. People were very protective of their deck chairs. We finally found a couple of chairs, the relaxation was on!

There are always photographers running around taking photos as you walk by. These photos then are posted in the photo gallery for purchase. We browsed through them looking for the really funny ones. But I must admit most were very cheesy, especially the ones with the fake backgrounds. Why didn't people just go to a Sears portrait studio.

The sunset on the ocean was again a pretty sight that I never get sick of.

Today's dinner was LOBSTER! I could've had two (which my husband did). I wanted to save room for desert. Our dinner conversation with our dinner mates Timothy and Reneesia mostly involved food and weird food. Reneesia and I bonded over the fact that heads of crawfish, fish and lobster were the best part and most tasty of the animal. The husbands were not impressed.

After dinner we went to see the adult only comedy shows. We were joined by a couple from Alabama. They were very seasoned cruisers with 16 cruises under their belt. They even recognized a few of the staff. They are going on an Alaskan cruise in September with an overnight stop in Vancouver. We gave them some tips of must sees and generously bought Greg really really big Foster beers.

It was a beautiful night on the ocean and I was again hungry after the comedy shows. Thank God for the 24 hour pizzeria and late night grill. We ended up grabbing popcorn (and fries) and watched Dances with Wolves on the pool deck.

Time for bed. Our cabin server left this on our bed. I had no idea what sort of animal this was suppose to be...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gulf of Mexico

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