Thursday, June 17, 2010

Landed in Kenya after Almost 30 Hours

After 19 hours in the air and 8 hours in between, we finally landed in Nairobi! I think I have been the most tired of all the long international flights I have taken. It might have something to do with the crying baby and large man who decided to extend his elbow to my seat.

We had a 4 hour layover in Amsterdam and had a chance to check out the downtown area. It was actually really boring since we were there 7AM in the morning. Nothing was open, not even MacDonald's. But there were a few ladies in the red light district working the early shift.

We landed in Nairobi after dinner. It was a bit chilly (14 deg) since it is winter here right now. But I couldn't help love the smell the burnt wood in the air. We headed to bed after some tea and biscuits. I was so tired that as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. However, my sleep didn't last that long. Around 2AM, I was awake wondering where was Michelle who was surpose to arrive 7 hours after us. I woke up every hour thinking it was already mid day! Around 6AM, Kat slipped me a note before going to work to let me know Michelle had missed her connection and was stuck in Cairo for 24 hours.

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