Monday, June 21, 2010

Getting to Ethiopia

Ethiopia was a country we are planning almost half our time visiting. Needless to say I am more than excited to check out its much talked about unique historical sites and meet the friendly local. However, getting there really started rough. Our flight departure time and route (different stop overs were added to otherwise a less than 2 hour direct flight) from Nairobi to Addis Ababa, the capital, had changed about 5 times even before we stepped our foot in Africa. Calling around to confirm the night before got us different times. Finally we decided it was safer too show up at the airport at 1130pm for our "2am" flight. A little while after receiving our boarding passes we discovered the boarding time was 230AM and the departure was now 330AM. An hour later we discovered the terrible news that it was again delayed to 530 due to series of mechanical issues of the aircraft. Tired and cranky we waited at the coffee shop lounge and played trivia games to pass the time. As 530AM drew near, we anxiously waited near the departure gate. At 530AM, no airline rep had shown up at the gate to broad us and the airport DA screen still showed a 530AM departure time. I was really angry and determine to find out what was going on. I walked around the airport until I found an Ethiopian airlines rep who told me the air craft was landing as we speak and the departure time was now 645AM. I couldn't believe my ears that we had spent twice amount of time waiting for this flight than the actual length of the flight. After a stop over in Kilimanjaro airport, we finally arrived in Addis at 1030AM. The silver lining of this ordeal was it can only get better from this point on.

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