Friday, May 7, 2010

Do's and Don'ts in China

Do's in China

1. DO BE OPEN MINDED! Get ready for the culture shock of your lifetime! It is a good thing. This is why we travel to new places.

2. DO learn a little Chinese. While rumours have it that China has more English speakers than in the USA, majority of the population will not have a good gasp of the language.

3. DO eat every chance you get. Of course, that could sometimes do a number on your tummy. Take the Dukoral vaccine before you go.

4. DO brush up on your Chinese etiquette. For example, tipping is not common in China.

5. DO get comfortable with having your space invaded. 1.3 billion people is a lot of people!

6. DO learn the art of bargaining and negotiation. It is so much fun!

7. DO try to chat with the locals. You will be very pleasantly surprised with what you can learn.

8. DO be punctual. Being on time shows respect for others.

Don'ts in China

1. DON’T hug or kiss your Chinese friends when greeting them. A good hand shake is perfect.

2. DON’T make out in public. China is still conservative by western standard. Limit heavy PDA.

3. DON’T expect all public bathrooms to have toilet paper available. Always carry some of your own.

4. DON’T get upset when vendors become pushy. Just smile and politely decline if you are not interested in buying.

5. DON’T think people staring at you as hostile. Most of the looks are out of curiosity.

6. DON’T expect the Chinese food to taste the same as it does in your home country. Don’t expect a fortune cookie at the end of your dinner either.

7. DON’T comment negatively about the Chinese Communist Party.

8. DON’T start touchy conversation topics such as Taiwan or Tibet independence and avoid overly praising Japan.

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