Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Drake's going to China

We are on the road again.  The plan is for Drake and I to go to China for 2 weeks and then Greg will meet us in Shanghai to head to Australia for 3 weeks. This will be the first trip with Drake, our 7 month old baby. I am really excited and nervous about this trip.  Excited because Drake will meet his family from China for the first time.  Nervous because Drake will take his first 12 hour flight.

We arrived at the airport very early to check-in. I requested a baby bassinet for Drake which put me in a bulkhead seat. When our flight was called I really appreciated because of Drake we got to board the plane first.  No waiting in the aisle for people to put away their luggage or showing up at our seats with no overhead compartment space left.  It definitely took some stress out of traveling with an infant.

Even though I was seated at a bulkhead seat, it didn't guarantee us a bassinet. It was first come first served. Once the plane reached altitude, I asked the stewardess for one right away. It was about 75cm long and held a baby up to 20lbs.  There were two studs on the bassinet that were inserted into the bulkhead in front of my seat.  There were two pieces of flaps that zipped together over the bassinet which acted as the seat belt.

Even though I was so happy to have the bassinet, Drake didn't get much sleep on the flight.  The stewardesses (and other random passengers) kept coming by to play with him, especially when he was about to fall asleep. I could tell he was getting really tired and increasingly fussy.  But I didn't have the heart to tell people stop bothering him.

Drake however did have a very good appetite.  I brought tons of food with me on the flight: an apple, a peach, two hard boiled eggs, steamed carrots and oatmeal.  He ate them all.  I packed a big bag of dry oatmeal for the trip.  Just add hot water and butter. Easy and healthy!

When we finally arrived in Shanghai, I was running on about 20 minutes of sleep and was happy for this flight to be over.

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