Saturday, September 18, 2010

10 Things I Love About China

Photos from my personal collection.

10. Fishing for your own lunch in rural Beijing

9. KFC the Chinese Version.

8. Outdoor Dancing (by the Bund in Shanghai)

7. Star Rated Public Toilets (this one in the Forbidden Palace is rated 4 stars)

6. Not Obeying Funny Chingrish Signs
(`Stop Climbing the Cliff`from Yellow Mountain and `Relic Protected, No Scratch`in the Forbidden Palace)

5. Roadside Fine Dining
(Best meal I ever had! Seafood District in Pudong, Shanghai)

4. Food, Food, Food and Food. All the yummy food!
(on the left are Hairy Legged Crabs and on the right is a Peking Duck Feast)

3. and food you didn`t think is edible.
(Star Fish on the left and scorpion on the right. All deliciously presented in stick format)

2. Tobogganing down the Great Wall

1. China, you are simply beautiful.

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