Saturday, April 24, 2010

Where do Chinese people like to vacation in China? - Part I

China is one of those unique countries that its tourism industry is still largely supported domestically. Here are the top 1o domestic destinations in China:

10. West Lake (西湖), Hangzhou - It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers. Ancient Chinese people praised the West Lake area as a land of intoxicating beauty. Su Shi, a poet from the Song Dynasty, likened the lake to Xizi, a Chinese Cleopatra, for its allure.

9. Potala Palace (布达拉宫), Tibet - is on the list of Chinese national key protected cultural relics and most valuable storehouse in Tibet. It is a huge treasure house for materials and articles of Tibetan history, religion, culture and arts. The Palace is widely known for the precious sculptures, murals, scripture, Buddha figures, murals, antiques, and religious jewelry treasured up, they are of great cultural and artistic value.

8. Zhangjiajie (张家界), Hunan - This geopark is a rare natural museum. It has 4 main scenic spots—Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Suoxiyu Valley, Tianzi Mountain and Yangjiajie Nature Reserve—together with Huanglong Cave constitute an integrated ecosystem with a series of geomorphologic landscapes such as mountains, water bodies, bridges, caves and waterfalls.

(Photo courtesy of
7. Great Wall (长城), Beijing - Everyone on the earth probably heard of this one. It is the symbol of China and pride of all Chinese people (previous post on Great Wall).

6. Gulanyu (鼓浪屿) Island, Xiamen - this island covers an area of 1.78 square kilometers and stands opposite to Xiamen City across the sea. It is a quiet pedestrian only island where you can walk around and enjoy the food and the old western styled buildings. With beautiful scenery, Gulangyu Island is accredited as "garden on the sea", "architecture exhibition of ten thousand nations", "hometown of music" and "island of piano".

(Photo courtesy of

Surprised Great Wall is not the top destination? Stay tone for the number 1 destination ...

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