Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Attend a Tradeshow in China

Attending trade shows is a great place to get the latest updates on industry trends or a really fast way to get to know an industry. It is also an important networking opportunity. China has many different trade shows all year round dedicated to industry from clean energy to snacks. Biztradeshows.com offers a very comprehensive show listing in China. Exciting upcoming shows including:

April 8/9 - Green Fules & Vehicles China (Shanghai)
May 25-27 - Snackex Asia (Beijing) - dedicated to snacks
May 30-Jun 1 - Interwine China (Guangzhou) - alcoholic beverages
Jul 8-11 - China International Consumer Electronics Show (Qingdao)
Sep 15-17 - China Paper (Shanghai)

If you are looking to attend tradeshows in China, let us help you get the most out of the shows and your trip!

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