Thursday, December 3, 2009

China Gives Canada Approved Destination Status

Canada is one of the last few western countries to finally get the approved destination status from China. This status will be a huge boost as much as 100 million dollars annually to the declining Canadian tourism industry. Tourism BC being so close to the pacific rim could see a 25% growth. Click here for the full article.

“We’re late out of the gate. Countries like Australia and the United States have had the status for some time, so we have some catching up to do,” said Gialloreto.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made the announcement from Beijing where he was meeting with Wen Jiabao, premier of China.

The United States received approved destination status in December 2007. At the time 134 countries were on China's approved destination list.

“Achieving approved destination status with China is a major economic and cultural step in terms of building our important relationship with China, particularly as we prepare to host the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Gamers,” B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said in the release.

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