Thursday, November 19, 2009

One More Item for the Travel Gadget

eBook is not a concept that was invented yesterday. It has been around for a few years now. Amazon has just started shipping their eBook device called Kindle to Canada. I think I have to put this one on my fav travel gadget list and my Christmas list.

Aside from the capability of storing over 1500 books, here are some of its other features:
  • Audio read back - so you can listen to your books
  • You can read Word docs, PDF docs, blogs, newspaper and magazines as well as books
  • SD card slot for additional memory = additional books/documents
  • keyboard for search
  • requires no PC and downloads a book in less than 60 sec
  • only 1/3 inch in thickness and weights just over 10 ounces
One feature the Kindle doesn't have is it can't play MP3. Can't get rid of your iPod yet.

Click HERE for a video review on the Kindle.

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