Sunday, September 20, 2009

Good Bye China, Hello Home Sweet Home.

We returned to Shanghai at dusk. Everyone went to bed right away.

We only had 1.5 days left in China, so we had to do more shopping, eating and going to Internet cafes. During our times in China, we had no access to Facebook or Blogspot. These two sites and many other sites likes CNN were blocked due to recent troubles in XinJiang and Tibet. This definitely made us feel cut off from the western world. Amongst the glitz and glamour of a booming China, this reminded us we were after all still in a communist country.

Aside from shopping, Shanghai is also known for its crazy and wild night life. We met up with our friend Amanda who recently returned to China for work. She took us to this club in JingAn District called MUSE. The club had great music and we lived it up! Table service, Grey Goose and cranberry for the world travellers. Our server stood by our table the entire time we were there. Yes, we had a dedicated server who was always there whenever we needed him! He didn't look like he loved his job though. Every hour for about 20 minutes, a couple of really scantily dressed (in thong!) go go dancers danced on spot lighted platforms. Hard to imagine we were in communist China! What a country full of contradictions.

(video of live music performance at MUSE, then we got yelled at by the security for video taping)

We are really going to miss China. As we headed home sweet home, we are going to miss traveling around to different countries and experiencing new cultures.

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