Monday, August 10, 2009

Trans-Mongolia Train Trip Here We Come!!

The Trans-Mongolia Train trip is for lovers of travel and lovers of railways alike! This is an incredible adventure through vast and dramatic landscapes. Travelling across the breadth of Russia, Mongolia and China on board the Trans Mongolian or Trans Siberian railways is a must. For sheer distance, intrigue and on completion, the tremendous sense of personal satisfaction, no other train journey comes anywhere near it!

I have been planning for this 29 day trip for this group of 5 for the past three months. Our journey will start in Russia and end in China.

Aug 19 - 22: St. Petersburg, Russia
Agu 23 - 26: Moscow, Russia
Aug 27 - 28: Ekaterinburg, Russia
Aug 29 - Sept 2: Lake Baikal & Irukusk, Russia
Sept 3 - 5: Ulan Butaar, Mongolia
Sept 6 - 10: Beijing, China
Sept 11 - 12: Shanghai, China
Sept 13 - 16: Yellow Mountain, China
Sept 17: Shanghai, China for flight home

In merely 8 days, we will cross two continents, experience 3 (maybe more, fingers crossed) distinctive cultures and endure over 130 hours of railway living. The group and I are more than excited to begin their journey.

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